Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A "Clamulance" is Coming

At least that's what Colby keeps telling me.  He, also, keeps saying, "Don't worry mom, we are taking you to the hospital right away!"  Oh, how I wish that were true.  I agree with Colby.  I am beyond ready for this baby to come!  But I do wish that Colby would not obsess about it!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Was I Chosen???

Seeing as how I am 9 months pregnant, and I can not get comfortable enough to sleep, I decided that this morning is a good one to do some blog reading.   I have a few favorites, but this morning A Bona Fide Life is my favorite!  The post I read really got me thinking about something that I have thought about many times.  Was I chosen to be Colby's mom?  Did God see something in me and know that I could handle this "Task"?

Truth is, I would like to think so.  As much as I love Gran, she has admitted that there is no way that she could handle him on a daily basis.  I know my mother couldn't...especially after what happened the last time she was here.  I know many mothers who can barely handle the daily tasks that come with just being a mom, let alone dealing with a special needs child.  I know mothers who can not handle 1 or 2 "Normal" children, let alone have a house full like I do.

Please know that I am not judging, just stating  my opinion!