Monday, August 22, 2011


Not sure where Colby got this, but Daddy and I laughed so hard over the newest thing Cole said.

Dad: Oh look Colby, an alien!
Colby: Aliens?  Are you nuts Dad?  I have been to the moon and there are no aliens!!!!

Needless to say, we thought it was hilarious!  Not sure where it came from, but hey, I'll take it!

Image came from here.

Friday, August 19, 2011


...Take your stinkin' baby.  Yep, that is Colby's new phrase.  He wants to hold the baby, but after about 90 seconds, literally, he is done.  It is actually quite funny to hear him say, "Here, take your stinkin' baby!!!" 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Strong Family

Good family life is never an accident but always an achievement by those who share it.
- James H. Bossard 
 Our family is unique, crazy, multi-cultured, and weird.  Or so we have been told.  You know, that is OK! 
We are a strong family.  We will go to bat for everyone member of this "Strange" family.  Each member of this family brings something special and unique to the plate.  We celebrate accomplishments.  We talk about everything.  We listen to each other.  We help each other out.  We trust each other.   We are passionate and compassionate.  And most importantly, WE LOVE EACH OTHER!!!  

A good and strong family life does not come easy, nor does it come by accident.  It takes work...LOTS of it! 
We may be a bunch of weirdos, and we are OK with that. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

What a Week!

It is really sad to know on Monday that your week is going to be "One of Those" weeks.  But, well...I already know!  We are all going to be SUPER BUSY!  School has started for all the kiddos.  All of the kiddos have Dr. appointments.   We have to check into (and probably sign up for) Mother's Day Out for Willie.  Sign the girls up for Religion Education, Youth Group and Girl Scouts, not to mention taking them to karate on Monday and Wednesday.  There are several other things that have to get done this week, AND mom has 60+ things that have to get packed and shipped.

I don't know about other moms out there, but my day begins early.  Once Colby gets home from school, and until he goes to bed, there is no guarantee that ANYTHING will get done.  Some days, he is great, and we can get anything we need to get done, DONE.  On the flip side of that, there are some days that the only thing that gets done is dealing with Colby.

Well, I will try to post more this week, but NO GUARANTEES! 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I still can not believe it

Today is Colby's first day of MIDDLE SCHOOL!  Where have the years gone???

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What's Next?

Now that Colby's birthday is over, the next thing is his first day of  Middle School!!!!  I can not believe my baby is starting middle school tomorrow! 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Happy Birthday

Wishing our Colby Doodle a Happy 10th Birthday today!  He is one awesome kid!!!  He is one funny little dude, and we love him very much!

Happy Birthday Doodle!