Monday, November 8, 2010

3 Things (by Dad)

As everyone knows, life in our household is a constant adventure...and I wouldn't trade it for anything.  But, this blog is about our Colby and about the simple things in life.  I have promised my wife that I would write about my boy, so I will share 3 thoughts from today...three ways that my BFC (Best Friend Colby) made me smile:

First, happened this morning.  I watched, marveled actually, as Colby started drawing the Big Bad Wolf.  He is such an immensely gifted artist; I love to watch him work.  At any rate, my Monkey-doodle started with his outline and it was spot on...he had no picture, nothing to reference.  He had seen the Big Bad Wolf and a show and drew it from scratch.  It was simply amazing.  I love watching Colby draw; he is so good at what he does and he proved it again today.  He is loads better than his dad...who is lucky to draw a stick figure correctly ;-)

Second, Colby has taken to liking Soccer and Football.  He attended a game and saw his brother Nick play, and ever since that time, he has talked about playing football with me and "the boys".  Today, he found my 2 titans jerseys...he put on the smaller one and gave me the other and told me that we were playing football.  I simply could not help by laugh.  His perception of life never gets old...I loved it!

Finally, Colby loves Christmas..., or, rather, the idea of getting toys for Christmas (specifically Toy Story toys..Thanks Gran for buying those already!!!).  But, we are cleaning and re-organizing our house and Colby saw us getting out the Christmas decorations.  I asked him if he wanted a X-mas tree downstairs with him, and he has bugged us about it since.  But, that isn't the point of this particular observation.  This afternoon, as I walked downstairs, I noticed that my Colby had put up on our wall a Santa light fixture that goes in windows.  I am not sure how he did it, but he made it stick to the wall.  I am still impressed.  It looks great!

Friends, these things may not seem like much (heck, my Willy is doing tons of things that blows my mind too), but these simple things mean so much.  For all of the frustration that autism brings, these are kernels of joy...they make us realize just how special and unique our Colby is...and how much joy he brings into our lives.  


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